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Introduction to Content Marketing

Are you new to content marketing? Does your team have varying degrees of experience? Is content marketing something you’re exploring as a new way to go to market?
Let's get started

The Typeset Introduction to Content Marketing workshop was designed for you. Content marketing covers a broad range of tactics encompassing owned media, earned media, and paid media. The key to success is understanding how to approach content marketing from a strategic viewpoint and knowing what to avoid.

What will we learn in the workshop?

Our expert facilitators guide you and your team through the basics to ensure everyone approaches content marketing with the same understanding and in the same way. During the session, you will learn about:

  • Theory and principles:  What is content marketing?
  • What it looks like:  Who does it well/not so well (industry examples)
  • How you can apply content marketing in your organisation
  • Practice application:  Hands-on exercises
  • How to develop an action plan.

Each person attending the session will be given a workbook and recommended resources for further reading. Exercises in the workshop use real examples from

Who facilitates the content marketing workshop?

Our facilitators are people who have worked in content marketing for decades — or at least one decade. They have built their own businesses on content marketing, have helped organisations large and small with content marketing, and continue to study and practice content marketing. Our Typeset facilitators work to ensure you get the most value possible out of the session.

How long is the content marketing course?

We offer a half-day and a full-day session. The full-day session is designed for people who want to get a jump-start on their strategy and spend more time with each one of the exercises. We’ll deep dive into the work at hand to give you an in-depth taste of what’s required to complete a content marketing strategy.

How do I find out more?

I want to talk to someone in Australia or the U.K. about Typeset’s Introduction to Content Marketing workshop.  

A group of people writing on a whiteboard, symbolising our introduction to content marketing workshop.

Did you know?

96% of the most successful content marketers say content marketing has helped them build credibility with their audience.


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