Our journalists can provide fast, efficient and accurate coverage of your event, including:
We will work with you in the lead-up to your event and on the ground to understand your brand’s key messages, the audience for the content produced, and the kind and extent of coverage you need.
We can help you produce:
Our international network of trained and qualified journalists has experience covering events for newsrooms around the world and is used to creating diverse and accurate content on a very tight deadline.
Typeset co-founder Dan Hatch is London-based and is available to cover events across the UK, Europe, the US and Australia. He has twice provided coverage of the SEMA Show in Las Vegas (digital written content, podcasts, and video), the REIFEN tyre show in Germany (digital written content), and Content Marketing World (podcast coverage).
Over his 20-year career in the media, he has covered conferences and conventions in industries as diverse as mining, advertising, and technology. He has also reported on press conferences on just about every topic imaginable.
You can leverage one event for months with potentially limitless amounts of content that will keep working for your business long after your event is over.