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Case Studies

Our professional writers can create a case study that will help turn your prospect into a customer.
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What is a case study?

A case study is a two- to three-page document describing a customer’s successful experience with a product, service, or company. It’s written in the style of a feature article like you would see in a magazine or newspaper. A great case study tells your story from the eyes of a happy customer.

Each case study is carefully written to feature the customer as the hero of the story. Your product or service is represented in the most favourable light.

A key ingredient to every case study is an in-depth interview with the featured customer. Each interview will be conducted by an experienced journalist and takes about an hour.

Format of a Typeset case study

A case study is broken down into four distinct parts:

  1. Details about the featured customer, both the company and the role of the person featured
  2. The problem facing the customer
  3. The solution provided
  4. The results of implementing the solution.

The case study includes as much quantifiable information as possible so the reader understands exactly how the same solution would help their company. This could include:

  • Details on implementation
  • Impact on staff
  • Statistics on the cost of ownership
  • Return on investment
  • Payback period
  • Training considerations.

Frequently Asked Questions about case studies

Why should I invest in a case study?

According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, we’re experiencing an implosion of trust. We’re more likely to trust “a person like yourself” more than just about anyone else. Customer-success stories showcase an experience someone else has had with your brand and tells your story in their words. According to research from the Content Marketing Institute, case studies are one of the most powerful forms of content, especially for bottom-of-the-funnel sales opportunities.

Can I interview the customer for our case study?

No. One thing we’ve learned over the years is people will be a lot more forthcoming when they can talk freely, without someone from your company looking over their shoulder. Trust us, we know how to extract a good story to put your company in the best positive light.

What if my customer says something I don’t like?

The case study process has a series of sign-offs that must occur before anything is published. It’s your story to tell, so if you don’t like it, it won’t get published. By the same token, we make sure your customer signs off and has the appropriate permissions to speak on behalf of his or her company before we start the process.

Added bonus of written case studies

A well-crafted case study lets your best customers speak on your behalf without the need to continually bother them with phone calls and emails. A case study eliminates any risk that your customer reference may not be available, is in a rush, or positions your company incorrectly to your prospective customers.

A man and a woman look at a slim booklet, symbolising case studies.

Did you know?

Using case studies has been shown to boost deal closing ratios by 70%.


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