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Blog Writing

For many businesses, their blog is a vital pillar of their marketing strategy. It’s how they communicate with their customers.
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With more and more brands embracing content marketing, blogs provide important content for sharing on social media, in email marketing, and on a company’s own website.

But while blogging is incredibly effective, it can also be hard work. Here are some complaints about blogging we hear all the time:

  • Writing blogs takes up too much time, which I could be spending on other parts of the business
  • It’s too hard to come up with good ideas every week
  • I know what I want to say but, when I try to write, I just can’t get started
  • I’m great at what I do, but I’m not a great writer.

An experienced blog writing service in the US, UK and Australia

The team at Typeset are professional writers. We have backgrounds in both copywriting and traditional journalism, so we can tackle blog posts on any subject, in any industry, anywhere in the world.

(We really mean it. Our team has written about everything from the latest tractor tyre release to surfing in Senegal. We’ve tackled aged care and mental health, real estate investment, every kind of mining and engineering you can imagine, holiday accommodation, employment services, the automotive industry, accountancy software, farm safety — the list goes on!)

About Typeset’s professional blogging service

We understand the challenges businesses face when creating blog posts. We can:

  • Write blog posts that will resonate with your audience and hit your key messages
  • Generate blog ideas and maintain an editorial calendar
  • Edit and proofread your blog posts so they are publication ready 
  • Develop a content marketing strategy to guide your blogging and content production. 

We can create blogs of any length to suit any publishing schedule. Call us for an obligation-free chat about your needs. We’d be happy to help.

Our offices are in Perth, Australia, Kansas City, USA, and London, in the United Kingdom, but our network of experienced blog writers extends throughout Europe, North and South America, and the Asia-Pacific region.

A word from Typeset’s clients for blog writing services

You only need to browse our newsroom to see the quality of Dan’s writing. He’s embraced our business goals and has always been incredibly open and eager to learn more about our industry and it’s specifics, in order to produce copy of the highest quality.

Our blogs have been re-published by numerous industry publications, as well as broader news outlets – something that would not have been possible without his expertise. We’ve learnt (and continue to learn) a lot from Dan.

Jessica Kerr, General Manager – Projects and Marketing, Mining People International

Person writing at laptop, providing blog writing services.

Did you know?

Blogging at least weekly is 2.5 times more likely to produce ‘strong results’ than publishing monthly or less often.


Do you need a writer to create winning blog posts?
Let us know what you need.

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